Category Archives: Embracing Change/ Starting Over

A 1 minute tip from the Creator of NETFLIX


Here’s 1 minute of inspiration from the brilliant entrepreneur who came up with the idea for NETFLIX: Co-Founder, Marc Randolph…

His big tip: TAKE A RISK. ….

…on your dream.

Read the rest of this entry

[VIDEO]:The Fountain of Youth


Is it possible to feel younger as we get older? Well, for jewellery designer and business man Jerry, from Boulder, Colorado, it certainly feels that way.

He decided to slow down life and find more work/ life balance. And as a result, has made many new discoveries, enhanced his relationships, and found more happiness.

Maybe there really is a fountain of youth, and what a beautiful place to hear about it; at the magical old ‘Chalice Well‘ in Glastonbury, England…

Watch the video here



Life Lessons from Reese Witherspoon

Hi there,

In this video Reese Witherspoon, star of new film WILD, talks starting over, believing in yourself, self esteem, grief, loss, letting go, and letting it all out. And even, how we sometimes repress and take on the emotions of others.

An enlightening and touching interview from “60 Minutes” about her life journey, including taking her career back into her own hands, taking a stand for women, and working on projects that really matter:

Do you relate to any of her emotional experiences? Have you seen her latest film WILD?

A Musical Interlude – Road Trips & Silver Linings

Hi there,

Seems all of us crave freedom, whether it’s dreaming of a Road Trip, or time for Creative Freedom, or escaping something. This sweet new tune by ‘First Aid Kit’ is an uplifting reminder to move beyond our Comfort Zone, when we can.

Because the other side of our Comfort Zone – is Freedom.  

And silver linings…

The song goes:

“I won’t take the easy road… there’s hope,

there’s a silver lining”.

“I hear a voice calling out for me…”

Lyrics to song here:

I personally chose not to take the easy road. I heard a ‘call to adventure’ and answered it.

When I was 24 I bought a 1-way ticket to the other side of the world, chasing my dreams – by myself. (From a very safe and cosy life in Australia –  to London & US). That might sound scary to some, and it has been challenging, but it paid off.  It actually turned out to be the ‘Fast-Track’ to my dreams. A ticket to success. And My Silver Lining after some sad events.

But I’d say it’s a constant, daily choice to take the road less travelled.

With this ‘Enlighten Me’ project, for example, where I’m ‘starting over’, without the safety net or backing of my former long-term employer (who I chose to leave), it feels like once again, I have to bypass the sign saying ‘easy road’…stay geared up to overcome any fears or obstacles…and just keep my eye on the direction I want it all to take. (A much bigger vision, that goes way beyond me).

But I’ll choose the ‘open road’ any day.

‘Cos that’s the road trip of my life.

“Gotta keep on going, looking straight out on the road”

To your freedom,

Myfanwy 🙂

(Founder, Enlighten Me…)

PS.  I’m also a big fan of short Road Trips closer to home for times when you need a new perspective.   Like the song says “I’m tired of looking for answers”.


Q: Can you enlighten me… do you have a story or experience to share? Are you taking steps to push through your comfort zone in a little way, or a big way? Or perhaps you feel stuck? Maybe you’re even taking a road trip.  Have you already found your ‘silver lining’? Leave a comment below,  share your blog or link. 

A little motivation [3 min Video Blog]

Hot off the press…

Of all the ‘motivational’ videos out there, this one by Prince Ea really gets straight to the heart of the matter.

His video blog aims to give us a shift in perception…to reframe whatever may be holding us back from fulfilling our potential and living our dreams.

“There’s never been a statue erected for a critic….

Be you…

“Don’t let this negative world get to you, don’t let it win”.

To your happiness…and our collective potential.


#daretodream #keepitreal #liveyourpotential

Real Success


#TheHuffingtonPost founder, Arianna Huffington gave this enlightening talk on re-defining Success beyond just Money and Power, with lessons on working one’s self to Burnout, missing the moments, and much more…

Arianna signposts how Wisdom, Wellbeing, Wonder and Giving are another measure of success. And gives a gentle a reminder questioning:  What’s it all for? … and what really gets said at eulogies!

Can you enlighten me… how do you play the game of life? What do you value? And what advice do you have to help someone you know or love get off the path to burnout?



(note that the sun is in the shape of a heart!)

TODAYS SIGN POST: Follow Your Dreams

 Follow Your Dreams

To put a spring in your step today! 

PIC: Taken in Bath area, Somerset, England 

And a little more to read on this subject:


Life Purpose, crisis & new beginnings

When we’re at a cross road or crisis point, it’s a good time to reassess our life purpose. In fact, it’s a ‘window of opportunity’  to consider: What will truly bring meaning and fulfilment? What do I really want to do with my life? And how can I  contribute to the bigger picture – and make a difference in the world? The window of opportunity is known as a ‘Choice Point’, also the title of an inspirational documentary film…

Here’s some tasters:

Entrepreneur Harry Massey, the Founder and Director of ‘Choice Point’, has a 3 part theory for finding your ‘life purpose’:

1. Understand your world (your skills, passions and the needs of the world)

2. Align Your Purpose (with something bigger than yourself)

3. Be the Change (that you want to see in the world)… just like Gandhi said.

…And to make choices from the ‘Power of Love’ (as opposed to the love of power)!

I hope the videos offer a little reflection and inspiration. The trailer and full film can be viewed at Harry’s site: Lovely entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson and author Jack Canfield (‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’) feature in the film.

x : ) Myfanwy

(I was a ‘Producer for hire’ on the film & the above vids)